Present Perfect Tense
Present perfect tense is used for describing a past action's effect on the present.
The Pattern :
1. Affirmative Form
S + have/has + V3
Example :
I have arrived
2. Negative Form
S + have/has + V3
Example :
I have not arrived
4. Interrogative Form
Have/has + S + V3 + ?
Example :
Has she arrived ?
Future Perfect Tense
Future perfect tense is used to describe something that will happen in the future
The Pattern :
1. Affirmative Form
S + will + have + V3
Example :
I will have swum at 11 tomorrow
2. Negative Form
S + will + not + have + V3
Example :
I will not have swum at 11 tomorrow
3. Interrogative Form
Will + S + have + V3 + ?
Will you have swum at 11 tomorrow
Past Perfect Tense
Past perfect tense is used to describe something that have done in the past
The Pattern :
1. Affirmative Form
S + had + V3
Example :
I had gone to Bali
2. Negative Form
S + had + not + V3
Example :
I hadn't gone to Bali
3. Interrogative Form
Had + S + V3 + ?
Had you gone to Bali ?
Rabu, 01 Desember 2010
Diposting oleh PowPow Phoenix di 05.24 0 komentar
Label: E_primbon
Tubuh Manusia |
Bahasa Indonesia | Bahasa Inggris |
| |
tubuh, raga, badan | body |
tubuh manusia | human body |
rambut | hair |
perempuan, wanita | female |
pria, laki-laki | male |
kulit | skin |
tahi lalat | mole |
| |
kepala | head |
wajah | face |
pipi | cheek |
dagu | chin |
dagu belah | double chin |
lesung pipi | dimple |
telinga, kuping | ear |
gendang telinga | ear drum |
cairan telinga | ear wax |
kuping caplang | ears that fan out |
kuping kecil | cupped eyes |
mata | eye |
bola mata | eyeball |
bulu mata | eyelash |
kelopak mata | eyelid |
mata sipit | slanted eyes |
berkaca-kaca | glassy eyes |
mata cemerlang | beady eyes |
alis mata | eyebrow |
alis mata yang tipis | pencil thin eyebrow |
alis mata yang tebal | pencil thick eyebrow |
alis mata menyerupai busur | arched eyebrow |
alis mata berbentuk lurus | straight eyebrow |
warna mata | eye colour |
coklat | brown |
hitam | black |
hitam kecoklatan | brownish black |
abu-abu | grey |
hijau | green |
hijau keabu-abuan | grayish green |
biru | blue |
dahi, jidat | forehead |
rambut | hair |
rahang | jaw |
mulut | mouth |
bibir | lip |
bibir atas | upper lip |
bibir bawah | lower lip |
gusi | gum |
langit-langit mulut | palate |
lidah | tongue |
gigi | tooth |
tengkuk | nape |
hidung | nose |
lubang hidung | nostril |
tenggorokan, kerongkongan | throat |
| |
batang tubuh | torso |
bahu | shoulder |
buah pelir | testicle |
buah zakar, kemaluan pria | penis |
dada | bosom |
dada | breast |
dada | chest |
leher | neck |
pantat | bottom |
perut | belly |
pingang | waist |
punggung | back |
puting | nipple |
vagina, kemaluan wanita | vagina |
perut | abdomen |
anus | anus, rump |
pantat, bokong | buttocks |
pangkal paha | groin |
pusar, udel | navel |
perut | stomach |
| |
lengan | arm |
jari | finger |
jari telunjuk | index finger |
jari tengah | middle finger |
jari manis | ring finger |
jari kelingking | little finger |
kuku jari | fingernail |
sidik jari | fingerprint |
ujung jari | fingertip |
buku jari | knuckle |
kuku | nail |
jempol | thumb |
kepalan tangan | fist |
lengan bawah | forearm |
pergelangan tangan | wrist |
sikut | elbow |
tangan | hand |
telapak tangan | palm |
| |
kaki | leg |
kaki bagian bawah | lower leg |
betis | calf |
garas | shin |
jari kaki | toe |
kuku kaki | toenail |
kaki | foot |
tumit | heel |
telapak kaki | sole |
jari kaki | toe |
kuku kaki | toenail |
lutut | knee |
tempurung lutut | knee cap, patella |
| back of knee |
paha | thigh |
pinggang | hip |
| |
internal, bagian dalam | internal |
bola mata | eyeball |
daging | flesh |
darah | blood |
empedu | bile |
saluran air empedu | bile duct |
esofagus | esophagus |
ginjal | kidney |
hati | liver |
iga, tulang rusuk | rib |
indung telur, ovarium | ovary |
jakun | adam`s apple |
janin | foetus |
jantung | heart |
kandung kemih | bladder |
ligamen | ligament |
limpa | spleen |
membran, selaput | membrane |
otak | brain |
otot | muscle |
paru-paru | lung |
pembuluh darah | blood vessel |
pembuluh arteri | artery |
pembuluh vena | vein |
rahim | womb |
retina | retina |
sperma, air mani | sperm |
tali pusat | umbilical cord |
tengkorak | skull |
tulang | bone |
usus besar | colon |
Diposting oleh PowPow Phoenix di 05.10 0 komentar
- Advertisement is an information for persuading and motivating people so that they will attract to the service and the things that are offered or informed.
b. Function of advertisement:
- Promotion
- Communication
- Information
c. In making advertisement, keep the following points :
1. Language of advertisement :
- Using the correct or suitable words
- Using the interesting and suggestive expressions
- Text of advertisement should be directed to the goals
2. Content of advertisement :
- Objective and honest
- Brief and clear
- Not allude group or other producer
d. Kinds of advertisement :
- Family advertisement
- Invitation advertisement
- Sponsored advertisement
- Requested advertisement
- News advertisement
- Announcement advertisement
- Goods advertisement
- Merit advertisement
e. Media of advertisement
- By television
- By radio
- Billboard
- Leaflet
- Pamflet etc.
- Fungtion of advertisement :
- Promotion
- Communication
- Information
We can find the advertisement on newspaper, tabloid, magazine, radio, television, billboard, etc.
- Kinds of advertisement :
- Family advertisement
- Announcement advertisement
- Invitation advertisement
- Request advertisement
- Offer advertisement
- Sponsor advertisement
Article advertisemenIn making an advertisement, keep the following points :
- The contents of advertisement must objective and honest
- Short and clean
- Doesn’t allude other or producer
- Use word that polite and logical
- Attract attention
Language of Advertisement keep the following points :
· Using the correct or suitable words.
· Using the interesting and suggestive expression.
· Using positive expression.
· Text of advertisement should be directed to the goals.
Content of Advertisement :
v Objective and honest.
v Brief and clear.
v Not allude group or other producer.
v Attract attention.
Media of Advertisement :
* By television.
* By radio.
* Leaflet.
* Famflet.
* Magazine.
Kinds of Advertisement :
Ø Family advertisement.
Ø Invitation advertisement.
Ø Announcement advertisement.
Ø Article advertisement.
Ø Requested advertisement.
Ø Sponsored advertisement.
Ø Offer advertisement.
Diposting oleh PowPow Phoenix di 05.05 0 komentar
Label: E_primbon
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